Why does my dedication show error?
The dedication box is mapped in such a way that it can accept only 300 characters (including spaces) containing only basic letters and symbols.
The error message will clearly state the reason why your dedication is not being accepted. In case you are not able to solve the error, we suggest that you try out the following ways:
In case of length-related issues, the message too short or too long will pop up. Furthermore, for character-related issues the message will be “no spaces, special characters, or punctuations”.
  • If you have copied and pasted your dedication from some other sources, try typing it out, and your error might get resolved.
  • To resolve length-related issues, use ‘select all’ to highlight your text and then go through it once to check for any hidden spaces or lines at the end of your dedication. Deleting such extra spaces might solve the error.

Still, not able to get through the error? Fill in this form to seek assistance from our support team. Please ensure that you provide our team with the complete dedication text including the title of the ebook you are creating.
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